Airports in Croatia

- 381 km from Trogir (3 hours driving on highway)
- 392 km from Split (3,5 hours driving on highway)
- 630 km from Dubrovnik airport
- 286 km from Zadar airport (2,5 hours driving on highway)
- 275 km from Pula airport
- 6 km from Trogir
- 18 km from Split
- 263 km from Dubrovnik airport
- 392 km from Zagreb airport (3,5 hours driving on highway)
- 140 km from Zadar airport (1 hour driving on highway)
- 490 km from Pula airport
Every 20 minutes there is regular bus line number 37 which is driving to Split and Trogir. It takes about 30 minutes driving to Split and about 10 minutes driving to Trogir. Price per bus is 2,00-3,00 euros. Bus stops in front of the airport on the road, on the side next to the airport bus number 37 goes to Trogir and on the side opposite the airport bus number 37 goes to Split. Bus goes every 20 minutes. Check the timetable Trogir - Split and Split - Trogir (only in Croatian).
Last station in both directions is Split and Trogir. On both bus stations (Split and Trogir) there is taxi stop which can drive you to the accommodation unit (cca 20,00 eur) or you can go by bus to Okrug Gornji, Okrug Donji, Mastrinka, Arbanija or Slatine from there. Check Trogir local buses timetable (only in Croatian).
You can also order a transport service from the airport to your accommodation. More information on Transfers- Croatia
- 20 km from Dubrovnik town
- 5 km from Cavtat
- 263 km from Split airport
- 269 km from Trogir
- 630 km from Zagreb airport
- 360 km from Zadar airport
- 733 km from Pula airport
After every regular flight there is Atlas shuttle bus which is driving to Dubrovnik town. It takes 20-30 minutes driving. Price per bus is 5,00 euro / 35,00 kuna per person. Atlas shuttle bus stops on the main bus station Main Bus Terminal in Gruz next to the port. There are taxi ranks and local buses which can drive you to your accommodation. Check local buses timetable in Dubrovnik:
You can also order a transport service from the airport to your accommodation. More information on Transfers- Croatia
- 115 km from Trogir (45 minutes driving on highway)
- 140 km from Split (1 hour driving on highway)
- 360 km from Dubrovnik airport
- 286 km from Zagreb airport (2,5 hours driving on highway)
- 392 km from Pula airport
- 465 km from Trogir
- 490 km from Split airport
- 640 km from Dubrovnik airport
- 275 km from Zagreb airport
- 392 km from Zadar airport
Other airports in Croatia:
Airport Rijeka:
Airport Osijek:
Airport Brac: